About the Edgehill Church of Christ |
The Edgehill Church of Christ is a
fellowship of people seeking to know and do the will of God. Our
most urgent desire is to follow Christ faithfully and to exhibit the
fruit of the Spirit in our communal and personal lives. We believe the love of God for men and women is the driving principle in the story of our relationship with God and man. We want to love one another as he has loved us. (John 15:12) The death, burial, and resurrection of Christ constitute the core of the Good News all people need to hear. Jesus suffered the penalty our sins should have brought us. He paid our debt to sin at the cross and was raised in glorious triumph. (I Peter 2:24) Our salvation is by grace through faith in Christ Jesus. We deserve hell, not heaven. We cannot deserve what God has done for us through Christ. Even our deepest remorse over our sins cannot undo the past or erase the harm already done. Forgiveness is a divine work. (Ephesians 2:1-9) Authentic faith expresses itself in repentance and immersion in Jesus' name. Repentance is our sincere acknowledgement that God's judgment against our sins is just and water baptism for the forgiveness of our sins is our acceptance of the sufficiency of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus to save us. (Acts 2:38-41) Baptized believers are called to adopt a life of discipleship that imitates Christ's own. He is our perfect model in all things. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we pursue all that is holy and learn to abhor the sinful things that once appealed to us. By that same power, we seek to honor God with spiritual worship, unity with our fellow believers and service to others. (2 Corinthians 3:18) The role of the local church is to glorify God the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, share Jesus through our lives and our words, encourage individuals to grow in Jesus, inspire a sense of belonging by sharing joys and burdens, and reach out with loving support to people in need. If you would like to know more about the Edgehill Church of Christ family or if you have any questions please contact us. |
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